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{$R- }
{$S NewFileName }
(*** New Filename
This HyperCard XFunction will present the user with the standard
SFPutFile dialog box and return the users responce to the caller
as either a full path name of the new file or empty if canceled.
I have departed from the human interface guidelines for dialog
boxes as the SFPutFile dialog will be centered in the hypercard
window and not the screen. My reson for this is that HyperCard
has only one window (ignoring message box, &c) within which many
of the rules are broken so by placing the dialog centered on the
window it clearly indicates the dialog has been presented do to
pressing a button.
Much of the code is a taken from the FileName XFunction by
Steve Maller
Apple Computer Training Support
Copyright © 1987 Apple Computer
AppleLink: MALLER1
To compile and link with MPW and MPW Pascal
pascal -w NewFileName.p
-rt XFCN=0
-sn Main=NewFileName
-o HyperCommands
A typical HyperTalk script calling NewFileName would be
-- function NewFileName( <prompt>, <initial filename> ): <filename>
on mouseUp
put NewFileName( "Save field as?", the name of field x ) into filename
if filename is not empty then
open file filename
write field x to file filename
close file filename
end if
end mouseDown
Written by
Andrew Gilmartin
Academic & User Services, Box 1885
Brown University
Providence, Rhode Island 02912
Copyright © 1987 Brown University
October 31, 1987 ***)
unit newfilenameUnit;
uses memtypes, quickdraw, osintf, toolintf, packintf, hyperxcmd;
procedure entrypoint(paramptr: xcmdptr);
procedure newfilename(paramptr: xcmdptr); forward;
procedure entrypoint(paramptr: xcmdptr);
end(* entry point *);
procedure newfilename;
var fullpathname: str255;
filename : str255;
prompt : str255;
reply : sfreply;
{$I xcmdglue.inc }
(** Param To Num
This function returns a long integer interpretation of
a zero terminated string (c-string). **)
function paramtonum( param: handle ): longInt;
var Str: Str255;
zerotopas( param^, str );
paramtonum := strtonum( str )
end(* ParamToNum *);
(** CenterRect
This function will return the point where the top left corner
of inside rectange should be placed inorder for it to be
centered within outside rectangle.
It is not checked that inside is indeed wholely inside of
outside **)
function centerrect( outr, inr: rect ): point;
var p: point;
p.v := outr.top + (((outr.bottom - outr.top) - (inr.bottom - inr.top)) div 2);
p.h := outr.left + (((outr.right - outr.left) - (inr.right - inr.left)) div 2);
centerrect := p
end(* center rect *);
(** Card Rect
This function will return a rectangle that specifies where
the HyperCard window (aka this card) is upon the screen.
It should be noted that the position is determined by asking
HyperCard rather than calling toolbox routines. **)
function cardrect: rect;
var card: rect;
card.top := ParamToNum( evalexpr( 'item two of loc of card window' ) );
card.left := ParamToNum( evalexpr( 'item one of loc of card window' ) );
card.bottom := card.top + 342;
card.right := card.left + 512;
cardrect := card
end(* card rect *);
(** Dialog Rect
This function returns a rectangle that specifies where the
SFPutFile dialog whould be placed upon the screen. **)
function dialogrect: rect;
var dialog: dialogthndl;
dialog := dialogthndl( getresource( 'DLOG', putdlgid ) );
dialogrect := dialog^^.boundsrect
end(* dialog rect *);
(** Build Pathname
This function will return the full pathname from the volume
reference number and filename. This code is a taken from
Steve Maller's original XFunction "FileName". **)
function buildpathname( volume:integer; filename: str255): Str255;
var fullpathname: str255;
name : str255;
err : integer;
mywdpb : wdpbptr;
mycpb : cinfopbptr;
mypb : hparmblkptr;
buildpathname := '';
first we allocate some memory in the heap for the
parameter block. this could in theory work on the stack,
but in reality it makes no difference as we're entirely
modal (ugh) here...
mycpb := cinfopbptr(newptr(sizeof(hparamblockrec)));
if ord4(mycpb) <= 0 then
exit(buildpathname); { rats! bill didn't leave enough room }
mywdpb := wdpbptr(mycpb); { icky pascal type coercions follow }
mypb := hparmblkptr(mycpb);
name := ''; { start with an empty name }
mypb^.ionameptr := @name; { we want the volume name }
mypb^.iocompletion := pointer(0);
mypb^.iovrefnum := volume; { returned from sfgetfile }
mypb^.iovolindex := 0; { use the vrefnum and name }
err := pbhgetvinfo(mypb, false); { fill in the volume info }
if err <> noerr then
now we need the working directory (wd) information
because we're going to step backwards from the file
through all of the the folders until we reach the
root directory
mywdpb^.iovrefnum := volume; { this got set to 0 above } mywdpb^.iowdprocid := 0; { use the vrefnum }
mywdpb^.iowdindex := 0; { we want all directories }
err := pbgetwdinfo(mywdpb, false); { do it }
if err <> noerr then
mycpb^.iofdirindex := - 1; { use the iodirid field only }
mycpb^.iodrdirid := mywdpb^.iowddirid; { info returned above }
err := pbgetcatinfo(mycpb, false); { do it }
if err <> noerr then
here starts the real work - start to climb the tree by
continually looking in the iodrparid field for the next
directory above until we fail...
mycpb^.iodrdirid := mycpb^.iodrparid; { the first folder}
fullpathname := concat(mycpb^.ionameptr^, ':', filename);
mycpb^.iodrdirid := mycpb^.iodrparid;
err := pbgetcatinfo(mycpb, false); { the next level }
be careful of an error returned here - it means the user
chose a file on the desktop level of this volume. if this
is the case, just stop here and return "volumename:filename",
otherwise loop until failure
if err = noerr then
fullpathname := concat(mycpb^.ionameptr^, ':', fullpathname);
until err <> noerr;
disposptr(pointer(mycpb)); { clean up your heap! }
buildpathname := fullpathname
end(* build path name *);
with paramptr^ do
if paramcount = 2 then
zerotopas( params[ 1 ]^, prompt );
zerotopas( params[ 2 ]^, filename );
sfputfile( centerrect( cardrect, dialogrect ),
prompt, filename, nil, reply );
if reply.good then
fullpathname := buildpathname( reply.vrefnum,
reply.fname );
returnvalue := pastozero(fullpathname)
end(* newfilename *);